Supporting D.i.Re to fight violence against women - Berberè

Supporting D.i.Re to fight violence against women

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on November 25th, we have once again chosen to do our part by donating to D.i.Re – Women’s Network Against Violence.
It’s an issue that’s very close to our hearts and concerns us all, with no exception. In Italy, almost 1 in 3 women every day suffer at least one form of gender-based violence.
At Berberè, we believe it’s our duty to connect people needing help with networks like D.i.Re, which have made it their mission to provide that help every day.
With 88 organizations, 117 anti-violence centres and 66 shelters, D.i.Re welcomes and helps free of charge more than 20,000 women who suffer male violence every year.
We really care about giving D.i.Re as much visibility as we can. For this reason, on the occasion of the UN’s global campaign “16 days of activism against gender violence”, starting today at checkout and on 25000 of our pizza boxes you’ll find a sticker and a card with a QR code providing quick, easy access to contacts and other helpful information on all Anti-Violence Centres in Italy.
Help us spread the message! If you need help or know any woman who might, we’re there for you.

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